Argocd invalid username or password reddit

Argocd invalid username or password reddit. 0. However, for obvious reasons i dont want to store the secrets in plain text in my repo, but rather use something like Kubeseal and then reference the secrets in the `values. If you identify we dont see default login by disabling the admin. I can generate token for my user, but I don't know how to login using it". argocd-source-myapp. These are completely different teams and they develop different applications. Each application consists of multiple microservices. Sep 26, 2022 · I've included steps to reproduce the bug. It's very stable and battle tested. See the Unable to change the user’s Note: username in screenshot is for illustration purposes only , we have no relationship to this GitHub account should it exist. nickjordan mentioned this issue on Oct 28, 2020. But that only toggles between TD , Investools, and Asia. Argo CD supports Helm natively so it will run "helm template" on its own. Also, would be possible to add the new user password, directly into argocd-secret, instead of running the argocd account update-password command? I can generate the user password, the same way a new admin password is generated with a blowfish hash and store it into secret, however I do not know how to properly generate the accounts. On the one hand, it kind of goes against the fundamental GitOps concepts (at least when used wrong), on the other hand - higher ups love it. It is the fastest growing and most popular GitOps tool out there. internal. reReddit: Top posts of December 13, 2022. we're currently moving to argocd. flux detects new images pushed to the image repo, it writes the new version back into the yaml config in the app repo, which is then The trick for me was the way I generated SSH keys. yaml", therefore Kubernetes/OpenShift has the command "oc replace". 6 first then 10. If it isn't directly accessible as described above in step 3, you can tell the CLI to access it using port forwarding through one of these mechanisms: 1) add --port-forward-namespace argocd flag to every CLI command; or 2) set ARGOCD_OPTS environment variable: export ARGOCD_OPTS='--port-forward-namespace argocd'. Dev and stage live in the same cluster in different namespaces. Essentially, whenever a new yaml file is added under a certain path in my git repo, it parses the file for variable settings, and deploys a helm repo using those vars as overrides. 23andme_irl. Not the best solution, but as is. With the ArgoCD version 2. He has an "app-of-apps" app which deploys a bunch of apps and one of which is consul. server A generates password xxxx and stores it into argocd-initial-admin-secret. Open. Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . Set user password. server B generates password yyyyyyy overrides previous value in argocd-initial-admin-secret. I noticed that my argocd-image-updater is not updating the respective metafile . - In the repos connected to ArgoCD, whenever something like { { ARGOCD_SERVER_ENVIRONMENT }} appears in the yaml, it would substitute with Hi, guys I have deployed ArgoCD basic deployment. If this is not provided, hostname used to contact the server is used. password}&q My Ingress is 'argocd. Output. You can have your cicd pipeline in your merge request verify the health of the lower environment. It looks like the author thinks that argocd is not ready for production. Under the apps directory you'll find umbrella helm charts that pull in application helm charts as dependencies. We went with ArgoCD. I deleted the quotation marks surrounding the password as someone else recommended doing this, and it worked fine for me. default admin password issue #253. • I rolled out changes from ARGO reflecting Github manifest to passive. 1"). The command below should work: argocd --port-forward --port-forward-namespace=argocd --grpc-web --plaintext login --username=admin --password=Your-Password. Found out by using "inspect element" to make the password text field visible (change type="password" to type="text"). yaml Go to 'argocd. Whenever you update values. app-of-apps has an argocd app pointing to one of the helm chart microservices and also a prerequisite-<namespace> app that points to the Kustomize file in the prerequisites directory that builds the namespaces, secrets, configmaps, TLS, etc. Name: rancher-6b55dccc65-7x9kc. Then login to the local argocd using: argocd login localhost:8080 --insecure. Argo CD provides a default admin user, the password for which is kept as plaintext in the argocd-initial-admin-secret Secret resource. xml files and you are good to go! Bye! Add a Comment. yaml (or any file in git for that matter), Argo CD will sync/deploy the app. To create him a password, you need to have the current admin’s password: $ argocd account update-password --account testuser --new-password 1234 --current-password admin-p@ssw0rd. yaml even though there are multiple new images in the image-list repository. Here is my use case: - I want to bootstrap two ArgoCD cluster: one dev and one for prod. One scenario in ArgoCD, I have encountered, is certain helm charts that test API versions (although that has been fixed) or the fact ArgoCD doesn't create helm releases on the target system (you can't do a "helm ls"). See the Unable to change the user’s password via argocd CLI discussion for details. for whatever is required in that namespace. but using apikey/token. Feb 8, 2022 · 0. Click on the LOGIN VIA OPENLDAP and provide admin/opsmxadmin123. When adding the relevant secrets in plain text, argo deploys perfectly. Argocd account update password argocd account update-password¶. I have two contexts: $ kubectl config get-contexts. readthedocs. Go to ArgoCD r/ArgoCD • by invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference Reddit . Username: admin. Your pod name will be different due to the hash at the end. Reddit . OPSMX. Unfortunately I cannot figure out how to make argocd ignore changes in my secrets. 7 as upgrading direclty from 10. Been thinking about giving the tool out for free, but could use some feedback (and beta testers) to see if it actually makes sense to support - please lmk if interested! "The above command installs a ServiceAccount (argocd-manager), into the kube-system namespace of that kubectl context, and binds the service account to an admin-level ClusterRole. " I am new to both ArgoCD & k8s and I am stumped on what I think is a trivial issue. Set web root. ago. If other teams are going to use the solution as well, Argo is much more user friendly. Jan 21, 2022 · Once the installation completes successfully, you can use the watch command to check the status of your Kubernetes pods: watch kubectl get pods -n argocd. did you try lower updating steps, like going to 10. Context 'port-forward' updated. Proceed insecurely (y/n)? y Username: admin Password: FATA[0008] rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Invalid username or password Mar 19, 2022 · 0. (default "0") --server string The address and port of the Kubernetes API server. Basically once you mount the sidecar with the plugin from your configmap, it will create a socket between the sidecar plugin running process and the main container of the argocd repo server. I apologize for being such a noob, but I've been handed support duties for prod/uit/dev while still trying to learn ArgoCD. A value of zero means don't timeout requests. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. Clone the public repo to pull the source of Argo CD from Github to the local (we have installed minikube to the local machine). To which I said that this is not the correct way to use tokens and gave an example command of how they should be used. Following instructions of your Git hosting service to generate the token: Github; Gitlab; Bitbucket; Then, connect the repository using any non-empty string as username and the access token value as a password. Synopsis¶. I might consider changing this as we add more clusters. Under the projects directory you'll Jul 18, 2022 · What I want is login to cli like: argocd login <server_name> --username --password. • 1 yr. Upon invocation, the default I am trying to override values in a sub-chart by using an application in argocd and specifying parameters there. -h, --help help for login --name string Name to use for the context --password string The password of an account to authenticate --skip-test-tls Skip testing whether the server is configured with TLS (this can help when the command hangs for no apparent reason) --sso Perform SSO login --sso-port int Port to run local OAuth2 login application (default 8085) --username string The username of an It provides various enhancements over the kubernetes deployment object, some notable ones are mentioned below. Failed to authenticate: oidc: failed to get token: oauth2: \"invalid_client\" \"Client authentication failed (e. I'd be amazed if you couldn't get this from the prometheus metrics output by argocd though. Simply go to your documents/Zwift folder and delete the prefs. That is all they essentially do and are not general purpose pipelines. Yeah the exposed API endpoint uses SSL meaning out of the box you need to tell client to not validate server cert. You can find the socket here : The goal is to setup argocd with SSO via Okta. I am reading about app of apps pattern and I am wondering about a scenario where one cluster is shared between multiple applicaiton teams. Here is an example ConfigMap object using the output from ssh-keyscan above: The argocd-ssh-known-hosts-cm ConfigMap will be mounted as a volume at the mount path /app/config/ssh in the pods of argocd-server and argocd-repo-server. I am trying to use the netbox chart, which has dependencies on redis and postgresql, but then I want to override the values for redis and postgresql through the argocd application. Prod is a separate cluster. This command can be used to update the password of the currently logged on user, or an arbitrary local user account when the currently logged on user has appropriate RBAC permissions to change other accounts. Already have an account? kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath=" {. We also have seperate git-repos for each environment. It's running v2. In the following example: I want to Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. Update an account's password. This worked nicely - add file and an app gets I recently published a blog post about a tool I’ve been prototyping for work that publishes Kubernetes manifest diffs on PRs for ArgoCD users (like Atlantis but for ArgoCD). for some reason USPS was putting a space in front of my temp password when I pasted it, even on firefox. To handle secrets we use secret store CSI integrated with vault. These are only useful for stuff you run inside a kube cluster. It can be ingress issue or TLS configuration issue to make sure that Argocd works correctly you can find its service name in argocd namespace and do port-forwarding. True, it can be used independently and requires a Rollout controller and Rollout CRDs to be present in the cluster. argocd app diff my-app --revision <full url to commit>. password}" | echo returns the password using argocd-initial-admin-secret or admin and the secret returns Invalid username or password. May 17, 2021 · To create him a password, you need to have the current admin’s password: [simterm] $ argocd account update-password --account testuser --new-password 1234 --current-password admin-p@ssw0rd Password updated [/simterm] Not the best solution, but as is. ArgoCon is starting next week, a lot of the sponsors offer managed Argo if you want to get started with near-zero learning curve. Following instructions of your Git hosting service to generate the Jul 1, 2022 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Oct 5, 2021 · Invalid username or password occured evertime. Please use our Discord server instead of supporting a company that acts against its users and unpaid moderators. I need help setting up secret ignore for my argo deployment. URL "POST" "/Users/authenticatebyname". One of my colleagues has shepherded Argo in our environment for production deployment, and fortunately he is on a long deserved vacation and I am grinding through this issue. You point Argo CD to your Helm repo. 7. That means a larger community and more community support. Then we have separate repositories for microservices, wether Argocd REST Apis for deployment details : r/devops. We tried argocd secrets plugin but it conflicted with argocd image updater we use in dev May 10, 2023 · $ argocd account update-password - sample output - *** Enter password of currently logged in user (admin): *** Enter new password for user admin: *** Confirm new password for user admin: Password updated Context '<ARGOCD_URL>' updated ⚠️ Warning! ArgoCD stores only bcrypt-ed hashes of the passwords. Are there any known issues that I can look into? Even any resources for shortening the learning curve would be Hello, I have a repo with 100s of argocd app that are needed to be installed in a cluster. Now Useful if Argo CD server is behind proxy which does not support HTTP2. 8. Password updated. It might have been a while, and could have been solved, but I had a similar issue. 8)¶ Stumped on a tech problem? Ask the community and try to help others with their problems as well. Namespace: cattle-system I use terraform to create an argocd application yaml file and pass through parameter overrides. May 4, 2020 · $ argocd login localhost:8080 WARNING: server certificate had error: x509: certificate is valid for argocd, argocd-grpc, argocd. I haven't encountered with these problems, only missing feature I see with I didn't find the fix online, but managed solve the problem fairly easy in the end. Oct 4, 2022 · Step1: Install Argo CD using HELM. If you have something to teach others post here. Use the argocd-rbac-cm ConfigMap described in RBAC documentation if you want to configure cross project RBAC rules. 0 deployed and working, using the git file generator. I've got appset 0. [1] This means i would first of all need to read the latest resourceversion from the api, manipulate the yaml in git in order to sync the wanted Nov 2, 2022 · kube-system Active 5h11m. argocd. true. 1. These can do essentially whatever you want and are not We're looking into ArgoCD for our k8s clusters and i'm wondering how RBAC can be done. By default, there should be five pods that eventually receive the Running status as part of a stock Argo CD installation. I wanna find a way where I can understand dependency of all apps. Best. Nov 28, 2022 · I encountered this after upgrading from version 2. I have a small container I'm using to learn ArgoCD and pipelines in general. Fix Docs: Argocd admin passsword instructions redhat-cop/declarative-openshift#35. PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. 0. It also does more and covers more scenarios than other tools. Closed. -H, --header strings Sets additional header to all requests made by Argo CD CLI. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars and communicate & collaborate across your devices. local, not localhost. Starting from a "naked" kubernetes cluster (just run kubeadm) how should I install ArgoCD, connect it to a git repository and let it install the rest of my "applications" (mostly helm charts)? I have tried: helm repo add argo https://argoproj. * k8s-pred k8s-pred k9s-pred-admin default. svc. # get password kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath=&quot;{. If your aim is to create a simple GitOps workflow and don’t require that much tweaking, Flux is the way to go. For all of these options, I get git checkout --force <revision> failed exit status 128: fatal: reference is not a tree: even though I can absolutely successfully check out the revision Check caps lock or spaces like others are suggesting. JSON, CSV, XML, etc. Some teams have also setup argocd sync && wait to do post deploy integration tests. That way upgrading / testing changes around ArgoCD and/or Kubernetes as a whole is easier. I personally used kubectl for port-forwarding, and following this thread, the command I specified above should be used instead. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. When invoking the argocd login subcommand, omit the usage of the --username and --password flags and instead provide the --sso flag. 一方の Argo CD は、パイプライン全体を管理するの Unless you work at a megacorp, it absolutely makes sense to jump to ArgoCD and avoid vendor lock-in. While we can go ahead and use that, it is not secure, so it would be a good idea to change it. You don't need either gcloud or the helm executable any more. Alternatively you can exec to running argocd-server kubernetes pod: kubectl exec -it argocd-server-669c567686-886np -n argocd -- /bin/bash. As part of my passive pipeline, I push in secrets in the namespace for the EKS cluster. If with localhost the UI opens correctly, go through ingress documentation one more time. This way you don’t modify the public helm chart. Use a central argo cluster and then use ApplicationSets to target your applications to the dev/staging/prod environments. yaml` file. Going back to why this post is entitled "is this a fair comparison for argocd", it's because I found this article and I would like to know if my thoughts about argocd is right. argocd app diff my-app --revision <full url to branch>. Password: 'admin:login' logged in successfully. We have SSO setup for argocd so it's very rare for people to use the admin account. I've had an EKS node restart, and now the dev argocd-repo-server will not restart. ArgoCD, on the other hand, can do much more, but also requires somewhat more extensive maintenance. Jan 22, 2020 · I've pasted the output of argocd version. Ctrl+F and search for 'Cheevo' to find a collection of lines related to RetroAchievements. Jul 6, 2021 · argocd app diff my-app --revision <branch>. Anyway, try deleting the first character after pasting your password. intra' Enter username and password Password is the one from kubectl get pods -n argocd -h, --help help for login --name string Name to use for the context --password string The password of an account to authenticate --skip-test-tls Skip testing whether the server is configured with TLS (this can help when the command hangs for no apparent reason) --sso Perform SSO login --sso-port int Port to run local OAuth2 login application (default 8085) --username string The username of an This repo layout is inspired by how the argocd autopilot project works, but adapted for Helm. Describe the bug This is not really a bug. Note. pri' and yes, it's my homelab :) I have three other K8S clusters, qa, stage, and production. Get specific user details. これらのツールは継続的デリバリーのパイプラインを統合的に管理・実行するためのツールになっています。. To do so, run the following: . (Can be repeated multiple times to add multiple headers, also supports comma separated headers) --insecure Skip server certificate and domain verification --logformat string Set Azure devops then handles the gates if we need to have a human gate or data gate on the deploy. I noticed that there is a default 'admin' and read-only role. Tekton, Argo Workflows, Jenkins X are general pipelines that run on a kubernetes cluster. How can I do this. As for CI, the requirements really have to drive this choice. • 3 yr. Unfortunately the concept of "replacing" a config is not implemented in ArgoCD. hhemied mentioned this issue on Feb 23, 2021. Hi all. Mar 2, 2020 · Argo CDとは. $ argocd account list. For more info see the docs https://argo-cd. Now I would like to configure it to use my platform dex-client secret (issuer, client secret,client id ) - this not from ArgoCD dex server. ArgoCD applicationSet not deleting apps. Delete the entire line titled 'cheevos_token'. --account string an account name that should be updated. Whether you’ve forgotten the ArgoCD admin password or need to update it for security reasons, these clear instructions will help you get back in control. server A and B both starts and sees secret is missing. The default ones that I used didn't work, and then after the research, I generated them differently and argocd was capable to access the private repo. Is there any dependency visualizer for argocd sync waves. Use a tree of app-of-apps to point to per-environment application subdirectories. I’d recommend to read the docs of both and • While I deploy, I use ARGOCD, GitHub, and Jenkins. -h, --help help for login --name string Name to use for the context --password string The password of an account to authenticate --skip-test-tls Skip testing whether the server is configured with TLS (this can help when the command hangs for no apparent reason) --sso Perform SSO login --sso-port int Port to run local OAuth2 login application (default 8085) --username string The You can use argocd proj role CLI commands or project details page in the user interface to configure the policy. This behaviour is equivalent to "oc apply -f oauth. k8s-nt k8s-nt k9s-nt-admin default. 14 I was able to resolve the issue using the command: argocd login --insecure --port-forward --port-forward-namespace=argocd --plaintext. • The deployment is Active / Passive. The CLI environment must be able to communicate with the Argo CD API server. g. Finally it login successfully and you can see the info in the User. name: postgresql. newuser Use argocd-image-updater to track changes in the container registry and update deployed applications via 'argocd' update method. Kubernetes向けの継続的デリバリーツールとしては、Spinnakerや Jenkins Xなどが有名です。. 6. Click Connect to test the connection and have the repository added . Proceed insecurely (y/m)z y ‘admin:login' logged in successfully Context 'argocd-server' updated The basic format is <server_name> <keytype> <base64-encoded_key>, one entry per line. Then a human gate for release to prod This morning though, I spent few hours playing with microk8s and I'm really liking it. Aug 22, 2022 · Access the UI with the URL, UI looks as below, CLICK on LOG IN LDAP. $ argocd account get --account <username>. These are my annotations While this is from describe root@kubenode01:~# k describe pod -n cattle-system rancher-6b55dccc65-7x9kc. argocd is a stateless application, so entrusting the api with this data would be wrong. Store per-environment values. argocd@argocd-server-64957744c9-xpn86:~$ argocd login --username admin --password <PASSWORD> argocd-server --loglevel debug WARNING: server certificate had error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority. In ArgoCD I am trying to add a cluster k8s-pred or k8s-nt: argocd@argocd-server-54f776b458-mjlwc:~$ argocd cluster add k8s-pred. Figured I might share the fix here so others won't lose an hour+ of their time aswell. Flux and ArgoCD are designed to sync kube yaml into a kube cluster. 2 to 2. orefalo closed this as completed on Apr 22, 2020. Options ¶. Apr 21, 2020 · jomkz on Apr 22, 2020. dev. To conclude I suppose it's a testiment to the flexibility of ArgoCD that it's possible to integrate other deployment CRDs. The Web UI is both the best and worst part of ArgoCD. What you want to do is enter your password on the line saying 'cheevos_password'. Note that each project role policy rule must be scoped to that project only. I've pasted the output of argocd version. e. io/argo-helm cat >/tmp/values. Having admin access available could lead to potential unintended I am total newbie in ArgoCD but I am trying to understand some basics. , unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method)\ Apr 9, 2019 · Describe the bug After creating an ingress I am unable to login To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Apply ingress. data. Defaults to current user account --current-password string current password you wish to change -h, --help help for update-password --new-password string new password you want to update to. You can target different refs in git for your applications according to the labels you apply to the cluster definitions. Oct 31, 2022 · Part of CI/CD Collective. enabled: “false” in argocd-cm configmap. --tls-server-name string If provided, this name will be used to validate server certificate. yaml <<EOF crds: install: true keep: false extraObjects Authentication request for "Stacey" has been denied (IP: "127. It's installed on the dev cluster and managed properly by ArgoCD. cluster. Jun 14, 2022 · The Argo CD CLI provides set of commands to set user password and generate tokens. Instead of using username and password you might use access token. # if you are managing users as the admin user, <current-user-password> should be the current admin password. Its going well and working fine while reducing complexity and code dupe of our old setup but we lost the feature of being able to stop the auto sync of the generated Applications. Each cluster has its own argocd instance. However it does not work. processing request: "Invalid username or password entered". xml and knowndevices. Such as external-dns, metal-lb and more. 4. If you are referring to the hotkey I am thinking of, try Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T (Think cmd+option+shift+t on mac). yaml in the dedicated repository with write access enabled for developers. Feb 24, 2024 · Are you getting “Invalid username or password” while trying to log in to ArgoCD as admin? In this article, I’ll walk you through the process of resetting the ArgoCD admin password. tico24 • 2 mo. . May 17, 2021 · The testuser was just added by us, and currently, it has no password set. argocd account update-password Command Reference¶ argocd account update-password¶. Argo rollouts isn't exclusive to argocd any k8s cluster can use rollouts. Is there any workaround to get this detail, kindly advise. And then follow the below steps. You decide what happens with your data, where it is and who can access it! If you have questions for use in a company or government at scale (>1000 users), do yourself a favor and contact Nextcloud itself - this community is mostly home-user focused! Hey there ! We are in the process of migrating our apps to be managed and generated by applicationsSet, and leverage the templating engine. github. I want to do something like patch an environment to that ArgoCD cluster, for example `ARGOCD_SERVER_ENVIRONMENT: dev`. I tried to google it but weren’t successful, could you help ? Jul 20, 2021 · If you visit this URL, you will see that we need a username and password to log in. CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE. Get full users list. So if the password is lost – it cannot hi there, im trying to using argocd-image-updater, i have image using tag latest and i want to use digest for update strategies, but it seems like my setup doesnt work, can someone tell me what im missing ? argocd account update-password Command Reference¶ argocd account update-password¶. 5 sounds like asking for trouble, but I might be wrong. • I start the passive deployment by triggering the Jenkins pipeline for it. These parameters overrides do the exact same thing as the “helm set” “helm set-file” commands. Don't remember canada being an option. Most deploys goes through test automaticly and only deploy to staging on master branch. 3. ArgoCD has been more widely adopted. ), REST APIs, and object models. Ideally you setup an ingress with a valid cert (see cert-manager and Lets Encrypt) and then point client at that. Access Token¶ Instead of using username and password you might use access token. we use fluxcd, but the principals are the same. This means it's working and I'm able to log into the GUI. When I login to ArgoCD server via CLI or WebUI , admin / password login always failed. Yes you can run diffs, we check what code have changed for our helm charts / deployment manifests in a commit and fetch the needed ArgoCD Application (yes we first fetch the ApplicationSet and then it's Applications, few lines of code) and run argocd app diff. parallx. Sep 5, 2022 · The initial password for the admin account is auto-generated and stored as clear text in the field password in a secret named argocd-initial-admin-secret in your Argo CD installation namespace Same goes for Argocd app manifests - separate app for each env referencing its own values file. 1 comment. We don't want to grant the developers full 'cluster admin' privileges, they should only be able to manage their own namespaces. (Just like you suggested) Each environment (dev, test, prod) is controlled by presence of a values file. Argo CD uses this service account token to perform its management tasks (i. I'd like to know if it's possible to disable admin login via argocd configmap updates and re-enable if needed. I deploy my secret with a placeholder value and then manually paste my cloudflare api token. Configuring Global Projects (v1. flux constantly scans the repo for changes to the app yaml, it reconciles k8s resources automatically when changes are detected. I can see the image updater updating the metafile ONLY when I update the chart itself and not when there is a new image in the registry. At first you need to connect to the clusters in minikube or Kubernetes or any managed k8s. Now I am confused how to understand the sync waves happening for all apps. Melodic_Ad_8747. I have attempted a lot of combinations of The issue count on Argo CD is a pretty good reflection of how popular Argo CD is. Add a Comment. deploy/monitoring). Jan 9, 2020 · While the steps illustrated previously mainly utilized the web interface, users making use of the SSO integration with OpenShift can continue to use the ArgoCD Command Line Interface. io/en/stable The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. oi fn ge ou ft zu zn et ql vr